The Serpentine Gallery is a fantastic gallery in the centre of Hyde Park, London. Two years ago they opened the Sackler Gallery very close to the original Serpentine Gallery. Attached to this new space, the star architect Zaha Hadid has built a unique cafe. Something I love about the new Serpentine Sackler, is that the building was originally an old munitions dump, an old military building being used now to explore and to show art. Can they, the government, do the same with the whole of the military quarters? 🙂
I went to the Serpentine Galleries each time I came to London and now living in London, I go every month. They organize a lot of interesting exhibitions only asking for donations.
Also connected to the Serpentine Galleries are The Pavilions. Each year there is a construction of a temporary Pavilion. The format of Pavilion, in architectonic context, is dedicated to pleasure and reflexions; they are like an independent build or with connections to the adjacent building. Serpentine Gallerie Pavilion are created each year for the summer time from the most influential arquitecs of the moment, as a playful construction and an experimentation of different architectural thoughts. They have a ludic character and always have a relationship with the space around, Hyde Park and the Serpentine Gallery, and what might happen inbetween.
Below are some photographs of different Pavilions from the Serpentine Gallery I have made through the years.